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Open positions

Aydin Group recently accepts applications via individual scholarships for PhDs for the programs via

 and postdoctoral fellows via

Interested candidates are required to submit a complete set of application documents, which includes;


F-Praktikum and MSc students

Students are encouraged to email the principal investigator at after discussing their interests with the postdoctoral fellows and PhD students for preliminary discussions (Meet with the team).

 Expired position calls

(1) PhD position in all perovskite tandem solar cells for space applications

Your tasks and responsibilities:

The INPERSPACE project focuses on an emerging but extremely urgent challenge in the “new space era”: meeting the sharply increasing demand for space-grade photovoltaics in a cost-efficient manner. After the significant reduction in rocket launching costs, photovoltaic requirements change from high-cost-low demand to low-cost-high demand in this new space era. Towards this goal, ultra-efficient multijunction perovskite-based tandem solar cells will be developed and realized in real space conditions. The topic is scientifically intriguing as space has extreme conditions. Developing solar cells for these conditions may lead to new scientific phenomena and innovations. Within the framework of this project;

Your qualifications:

We are seeking candidates with interest in all-perovskite tandem solar cells;



Prospective candidates are required to submit a complete set of application documents, which includes;

to The review of applications will start as soon as the application is received and shortlisted candidates will be notified via email to schedule an interview. The deadline for the application is April 30th, 2024. The position is available starting May 1st, 2024, and onwards. Applications from severely disabled individuals are given preference in cases of essentially equal qualifications.

(2) PhD position in perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells

Your tasks and responsibilities:

The INPERSPACE project focuses on an emerging but extremely urgent challenge in the “new space era”: meeting the sharply increasing demand for space-grade photovoltaics in a cost-efficient manner. After the significant reduction in rocket launching costs, photovoltaic requirements change from high-cost-low demand to low-cost-high demand in this new space era. Towards this goal, ultra-efficient multijunction perovskite-based tandem solar cells will be developed and realized in real space conditions. Recently, PSCs coupled with c-Si in tandem form reached ~34% PCE. Tandem photovoltaics achieve such high PCEs by reducing thermalization losses. The topic is scientifically intriguing as space has extreme conditions. Developing solar cells for these conditions may lead to new scientific phenomena and innovations. Within the framework of this project;

Your qualifications:

We are seeking candidates with interest in perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells;



Prospective candidates are required to submit a complete set of application documents, which includes;

to The review of applications will start as soon as the application is received and shortlisted candidates will be notified via email to schedule an interview. The deadline for the application is April 30th, 2024. The position is available starting May 1st, 2024, and onwards. Applications from severely disabled individuals are given preference in cases of essentially equal qualifications.

(3) Postdoctoral researcher in perovskite-based tandem solar cells

Your tasks and responsibilities:

Metal halide perovskites are high-quality semiconductors due to their high absorption coefficient, long carrier diffusion lengths, and remarkable defect tolerance. As a result, perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have emerged as a ‘paradigm shift’ in the PV field, with PCEs >26% (AM1.5G, Earth spectrum). PSCs are particularly appealing for tandem PVs thanks to their bandgap tunability between 1.18–2.30 eV. Tandem PVs promise higher PCEs by reducing thermalization losses. This is achieved by splitting the solar spectrum into multiple subcells that are optimized to a specific range. Initially, PSCs were coupled with c-Si in tandem form, and this concept recently reached ~34% PCE. Meanwhile, we can replace c-Si bottom cells with perovskites and form all-perovskite tandem solar cells. Both these device configurations are of interest in our project, and we would like to make them stable in space extremes and test them in the real space environment.

In this position;

Your qualifications:

We are seeking candidates with:



Prospective candidates are required to submit a complete set of application documents, which includes;

to The review of applications will start as soon as the application is received and shortlisted candidates will be notified via email to schedule an interview. The deadline for the application is April 30th, 2024. The position is available as of May 1st, 2024, and onwards. Applications from severely disabled individuals are given preference in cases of essentially equal qualifications.