Join the Aydin Group at LMU Munich: Marie Curie Individual Fellowship and Von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowships

June 18, 2024

Are you interested in postdoctoral research to explore cutting-edge research in the field of ultra-efficient perovskite-based photovoltaics? The Aydin Group at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU Munich) invites applications for prestigious postdoctoral fellowships:

Marie Curie Individual Fellowships:

Von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowships:

About the Aydin Group: Led by Dr. Aydin, our research focuses on highly efficient and durable thin film-based single and multi-junction photovoltaic technologies from multiple angles, spanning material innovation to device fabrication, encompassing process and property optimization, as well as modeling and testing of solar cells in realistic working environments aiming to advance them towards industrial upscaling. We offer state-of-the-art facilities and a dynamic research environment aimed at fostering innovation and collaboration.

About LMU Munich Chemistry Department: The Chemistry Department at LMU Munich is renowned for its excellence in research and education. With a rich history dating back to 1758. The LMU has produced 34 Nobel Prize winners in history, and 6 of them from the Chemsitry Department. Our faculty are leaders in their fields, committed to mentorship and advancing scientific knowledge.

Why Choose LMU Munich? Located in the heart of Munich, LMU offers a vibrant academic community amidst a culturally rich city known for its innovation and quality of life. As a postdoctoral researcher at LMU, you will have access to extensive resources, international networks, and opportunities for professional development.

Application Process for Candidate Selection: Interested candidates should submit a CV, and research proposal, to erkan.aydin@cup.uni-muenchen for pre-evaluation. For inquiries about our ongoing research or life at LMU Munich, please contact erkan.aydin@cup.uni-muenchen.