
Selected publications

- Enhanced cation interaction in perovskites for efficient tandem solar cells with silicon. Science 385.6708 (2024): adp1621

- Pathways toward commercial perovskite/silicon tandem photovoltaics. Science 383.6679 (2024): eadh3849. (PDF)

- Enhanced optoelectronic coupling for perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells. Nature 623.7988 (2023): 732-738. (PDF)

- Efficient and stable perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells through contact displacement by MgFxScience 377.6603 (2022): 302-306. (PDF)

- Ligand-bridged charge extraction and enhanced quantum efficiency enable efficient n-i-p perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells. Energy & Environmental Science 14.8 (2021): 4377-4390. (PDF)

- Interplay between temperature and bandgap energies on the outdoor performance of perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells. Nature Energy 5.11 (2020): 851-859. (PDF)

- Efficient tandem solar cells with solution-processed perovskite on textured crystalline silicon. Science 367.6482 (2020): 1135-1140. (PDF) 

Latest publications*

80. Ugur, Esma, et al. "Enhanced cation interaction in perovskites for efficient tandem solar cells with silicon". Science 385.6708 (2024): adp1621.

79. Merino, Luis Victor Torres, et al. "Impact of the valence band energy alignment at the hole-collecting interface on the photostability of wide band-gap perovskite solar cells" Joule (2024, in press) 

78. Ossig, Christina, et al. "Novel Detection Scheme for Temporal and Spectral X-Ray Optical Analysis: Study of Triple-Cation Perovskites." PRX Energy 3.2 (2024): 023011

77. Xu, Fuzong, et al. "Four-Terminal Perovskite/Perovskite/Silicon Triple-Junction Tandem Solar Cells with over 30% Power Conversion Efficiency." ACS Energy Letters 9 (2024): 3501-3504.

*Here, only the LMU Munich-affiliated articles have been listed

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