
Meet up with our vibrant, interdisciplinary, and multinational team!

Principal Investigator

Erkan Aydin

Short Bio

Erkan Aydın earned his PhD from the Micro and Nanotechnology Program at TOBB University of Economics and Technology in 2016. Following this, he conducted postdoctoral research at KAUST for seven and a half years, where he contributed significantly to advancements in perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells. His work at KAUST resulted in several record-breaking efficiencies and made substantial contributions to the performance, stability enhancement, and scalability of tandem solar cells for industrial processes. In 2022, Dr. Aydın received the prestigious ERC Starting Grant for his project titled INPERSPACE. He now leads his team at LMU Munich.

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Adress: Butenandtstr. 5 - 13
Room E3.057, 81377 München

Phone +49 89 2180-77808

Postdoctoral Fellows

Ali Buyruk

Butenandtstr. 5 - 13
Room E3.005
81377 München

Phone +49 89 2180-77608

Research fields

High-efficieny perovskite-based solar cells with enhanced thermomechanical stability

Rik Hooijer

Butenandtstr. 5 - 13
Room E3.005
81377 München

Phone +49 89 2180-77608

Research fields

2D/3D heterojunctions for efficient and stable multijunction solar cells

PhD Students

Jian Huang

Butenandtstr. 5 - 13
Room E3.005
81377 München

Phone +49 89 2180-77608

Research fields

Ultra-efficient perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells

Cem Yilmaz

Butenandtstr. 5 - 13
Room E3.005
81377 München

Phone +49 89 2180-77608

Research fields

Thermomechanical analysis of multijunction solar cells

Visiting Students

David Helminger

Butenandtstr. 5 - 13
Room E3.005
81377 München

Phone +49 89 2180-77608

Research fields

Wide-bandgap perovskite solar cells

F-Praktikum Students

Shaoke Liu

Butenandtstr. 5 - 13
Room E3.005
81377 München

Phone +49 89 2180-77608

Research fields

Self-assembled molecular monolayers


Kun Sun

Butenandtstr. 5 - 13
Room E3.005
81377 München

Phone +49 89 2180-77608

Research fields

In-situ GIWAXS analysis of 2D perovskites for extraterrestial use of solar cells

Now: PhD student at TUM in Prof. Peter Müller-Buchbaum's group.