
PhD Student


PhD Student

Butenandtstr. 5 - 13
Room E3.005
81377 München

Phone +49 89 2180-77608
Email: cem.yilmaz@cup.uni-muenchen.de


Cem Yilmaz graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Istanbul Technical University in 2021 and earned a Master's degree in Sustainable Systems Engineering from The University of Freiburg in 2023. His Master's thesis, titled "Injection- and Temperature-Dependence of Light- and Elevated Temperature-Induced Degradation (LeTID) in Ga-doped Silicon," focused on the kinetics of LeTID in Ga-doped silicon. Cem is currently pursuing his PhD in the Aydin Group at LMU Munich, where his research centers on the thermomechanical analysis of multijunction solar cells, with a particular focus on advancing perovskite-based tandem devices.

Research fields

Thermomechanical analysis of multijunction solar cells

Selected publications

Fabian T. Thome, Cem Yilmaz, Wolfram Kwapil, Florian Schindler, Martin C. Schubert, Why is gallium-doped silicon (sometimes) stable? Kinetics of light and elevated temperature induced degradation, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 275, 2024